Top 5 Instagram caption hacks to skyrocket your engagement right now!

Arni bhadoria
5 min readJan 17, 2022

Are you running out of ideas to Write great Instagram captions? Would you like to unlock more likes, shares, and comments? Do not worry, I got you!

Instagram is everything about Visuals, Although the quality of your content is a deciding factor when it comes to increasing your brand awareness and attracting new followers, Instagram Captions is where you give voice to your visuals.

The Best Instagram captions tell your audience to take action, Make your content captivating and shareable, entertain your audience, and build connections! That’s the power of words!

But…How do you write compelling captions that enhance your engagement? In this blog post, We will learn the Top 5 hacks to never run out of ideas again and add more value to your WOW content, which ultimately leads to more shares, likes, comments, Sales and helps to dominate the Instagram algorithm! Keep reading!


It is no wonder that unless you hook your audience in the first 2–4 lines of your caption, They will scroll past you and may never engage with your content.

You can keep your followers interested by-

  • asking a question.
  • sharing a good joke.
  • writing attention-grabbing words.
  • sharing a quote.
  • using power words.
  • surprising them with a fact.

Draft more than one caption, since the first one doesn’t necessarily is the best one. Come up with alternative ideas, have fun and be creative!

Here are few examples for inspiration-


who doesn’t love good stories? Storytelling is a great technique to keep users interested, create connections, Show authenticity, and build your identity.

You know the power of storytelling, don’t you?

people remember stories up to 22 times more than facts and data alone. Humans are emotional beings, and stories build a sense of connection and togetherness, They inspire, educate, and bring out the emotional and sensitive side of humans. Story writing in captions will help people to remember you and your brand and can also work as conversation starters.

make sure your story has a hero, a framework ( plot with conflict and a resolution), is uniform, relates to your audience, or educates and inspires them.

for example-

Here, we can see a quote at the starting of the caption. (point #1 START STRONG.). Storytelling is being used, which leads to more engagement and shares. and a question is asked at the end of the caption to start conversations.


you can encourage people to share your posts by asking them to tag their friends.

here is a cool and clever example of a brand asking their audience to share their posts by tagging-

However, do not overuse it. your audience might start ignoring your captions and will feel worn out of you continuously asking them to share your content.


The best way to get more people to engage with your content is to add value to your posts. you can offer “Tips and tricks”, share useful tools, offer step-by-step guides or any other type of information to educate your audience that will automatically lead to more shares and saves.

Instagram organically promotes content to a larger audience that has higher engagement rates, such as more shares, saves, and comments, so it is always a good practice to add value to your posts with the help of captions.

for example-

here, we can see how this brand is educating its audience on its product. it talks about the pain points, mentions a CTR (link in bio), has the best hashtags, hooks the reader in the first 4 words and talks about the detailed steps on exactly how the product is helping their buyers. Because of its informative captions, Sokoglam has gained lots of attention.


Hashtags are like keywords, They help your content to be found by a larger audience that is not connected with you yet. You can add a maximum of 30 hashtags in your posts (in the caption or comments) and whenever someone searches for a hashtag you used, Your post will be shown to them.

How do you know which hashtags to use? Find out the tags used by your community (people in your industry, influencers, and your competitors), include your branded hashtags, and also make use of other relevant trending tags. Post the hashtags at the end of your caption, you should also separate tags and the description in your caption to prevent it from looking messy and unprofessional.

You can also use tags and emojis within your caption, but again, do not overdo it.

for example-

This brand has used branded tags ( ex. #dyson #dyson hair) and also trending tags (ex. #hairstyles #hairgoals). so that even if someone searches for a #hair tutorial, #Hairgoals, #hairStraightener, #dyson, their product post will pop up. They have included a clear CTR (Link in bio) and also have separated the description and hashtags.


Now, you know how to write captions that bring more engagement, shares, likes, comments, or even sales! You can even use captions to drive more visitors to your website or blog by using the right CTRs.

Treat captions as a method to bring context and value to your posts.

Make sure your captions are reflecting your brand’s tone and personality; keep on testing new ideas to see what works best and provides maximum reach and engagement with your target audience.

Read this blog post to master Instagram growth!

Thanks for reading!

