5 Mistakes to avoid for delivering successful marketing emails- Boost your open and click rates

Arni bhadoria
7 min readJan 16, 2022

Are you unknowingly making these writing mistakes that are holding you back from delivering emails that converts? Are you aware of the components of a great email? Let’s check!

if you are a total beginner, or even experienced with writing emails, today, you and I, will learn to write effective marketing emails to drive more leads, keep your audience happy and obviously, get more open and click rates!

Follow me along!


Email marketing is the method used for emailing marketing content- article, videos, blog posts etc. It is a primary channel for building connections with your audience.

like, for instance- Sending resources/educational content to your non-customers audience to build brand awareness and to keep your audience happy, engaged, and informed can be called Email marketing. It is also useful for Converting future buyers who are yet on the decision-making stage.

“The end goal of email marketing is to create conversations with actual human beings.”

……and Here, Let me remind you of an important strategy…..SEGMENTING! you would not send the same email you crafted to all of your audience, would you?

  • Your non-customers, have different demographics, different needs, different habits, and should be addressed with emails that speak to them specifically and personally.
  • On the other hand…Webinars announcements, new guides, new products might still be relevant to your active prospects but sharing CTA’S in emails to book a demo is not.
  • The goal with your current customers is to keep them informed and happy. They should receive content that keeps them delighted with your products/services such as product tutorials, news, updates, etc.

COOL FACT: 2,690,160 legitimate emails are sent every second. More than 200 billion every day. That’s over 30 emails for every person on earth, every day.


Here are some commons mistakes, that prevent us from writing impressive emails-


We did already talk about the importance of segmentation, separating your audience so that you can have beneficial conversations and provide quality content to each group in your funnel, is called segmenting. after all, you can’t craft a compelling email without first knowing who you are writing For.

Thus, developing your buyer’s persona is an important step. To keep your emails personalized, segment your audience based on their position in the marketing funnel stages, and work on your buyer’s persona to be aware of their age, location, goals, gender, etc.


why are you writing this email? What actions do you want the email receiver(s) to take?

Top priority question: why are they receiving this email? The reason why your audience receives an email should be clear-cut to them. If the action you want them to take is not even clear, Why should you bother sending emails anyway?

You would be deleted, or even worse- marked as spam! Thus, be plain and obvious with your CTR’s. For example, if the goal of your email is to drive more traffic to your new blog post you might include an excerpt and a Call to action like “read more” “continue reading” that would direct them to your website. or if you are trying to promote a webinar, CTR’s buttons like “REGISTER TODAY! SAVE MY SPOT” might work well.

This email below belongs to JetBlue, Notice how there is a “Let’s go” call to action button below? and the best part? It appears highly personalized. it seems like it’s coming from a friend, and sounds witty. The best way to promote something without being pushy!

The lesson: Talk to a Friend Instead of Talking to Someone You Don’t Know in Your Emails.


Personalized CTAs result in a 42% higher conversion rate than generic CTAs.

Segment your prospects with similar job profiles, company size, priorities & pain points, and then craft emails with personalized content that will appeal to each group.

Use more second-person pronouns like “you”, “your” rather than focusing on “we” or “us”.

The sender’s email should look human and authentic, The first two things people look at in their inbox are the subject line and the sender’s name. adding a profile picture is a necessity.

Here comes your subject line…..Sending an email with a subject line that talks about dog supplies to a cat owner is not a sign of a smart marketer.

Adding your reader’s name is only one way to make your subject lines more personal. You can also use casual informal language, share something personal, and write a copy that reflects friendship.

Here are some tips to write a killer personalized subject line-

#HIGHLIGHT YOUR READERS INTEREST — Find ways to connect with your audience based on their interests, For example, you can segment your audience by their favorite sports team. A subject line like

“SPORTS TV: Manchester United is in the final!

will be more meaningful and will motivate them to click.

#BE CASUAL- You do not need to make your subject lines boring!

for example, subject lines like…

  1. SENDER: “you free this Thurs at 12 PMPST? [guest blogging class]”
  2. SENDER: “I didn’t see your name in the comments!?”
  3. SENDER: “Thanks for helping us”
  4. SENDER: “(your name), check out these hand-picked looks”

can do wonders and give your open and click rates a boost, obviously, who doesn’t like to feel special?

#BE DESCRIPTIVEPeople have dozens of emails to filter through, That’s why, being descriptive and letting your readers know what exactly to expect from your blog post, is a good practice.

for example-

Which headline is more descriptive and compelling? You know it! The second one….it appears to be more informative than the first one.

Read this blog post on how to create headlines that boost your CTR.

#USE FOMO — Subject lines that say things like “New tax implications go live Tomorrow!” or “Hurry up, only 4 items left” create a sense of urgency and motivate people to open them and take action. The use of powerful words trigger certain emotions in the minds of the readers. For example, words like “freedom” or “final” promises to grab attention of the readers.

#AVOID LOOKING LIKE SPAM — do not shout at your readers. Using caps and exclamation marks only makes you look needy for attention, and readers will immediately mark you as spam.

now……back to the mistakes that ruin your marketing email copy-


There are hundreds of emails, fighting for attention in your reader’s inbox. Humans have an attention span of around 8 seconds, thus make sure your content is scannable.

Not being brief and writing long paragraphs with loads of attachments and images will only overwhelm your readers and increase the bounce rate. in simple words…

Get to the point.

  • Keep paragraphs short.
  • Use bullet points/numbered lists.
  • Follow a logical structure.


a great email copy is the one that delivers the promise on the subject line, Delivering on your promise creates trust, and readers know that when they open an email from you, the content of the email will deliver on the promise made in the subject line, and they’re more likely to open your emails. For example, if your subject line says “Use this exclusive coupon before 8 PM tonight”, you must make sure that your body actually has a coupon or a coupon code that subscribers can click right into, to take advantage of the offer.

63% of customers say they’d think more positively of a brand if it gave them content that was more valuable, interesting or relevant.

make sure you are not writing long letters, instead, use short paragraphs, deliver the content you promised, use relevant personalization, Use the right template- And be lovable! business and marketing emails do not have to be boring, Treat your audience the best you can, after all, The goal should be to have happy customers at the end!


Now, you know what mistakes to avoid and How Not to write shitty emails….

in addition to this, make sure to incorporate the brand”s personality and tone in each of your marketing emails. Think of it as a channel of consistent communication between you and your audience.

The only limit is your imagination, Be as creative and authentic as you can. Avoiding these mistakes and following the Tips mentioned above.. will surely lead to better communication, more leads and increased number of open and click rates.

Thanks for reading!

